Class Reunions
Class reunions provide an opportunity to bring classmates and friends together in the Alleman spirit - to reminisce, to renew friendships and to share what has been important in each others' lives since graduating from Alleman. Class reunions are celebrated every five years and are organized by a committee of classmates representing their high school class. The Alleman Development provides several resources to aid in the planning process:
Class lists with current contact information
Upcoming Class Reunions
Class of 1975 - 50th Reunion
September 13, 2025
6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Urban Reserve, 1711 2nd Avenue (2nd Floor), Rock Island, IL
Cash Bar. Taco Bar + Charcuterie Board by Chev’s Kitchen & Catering
Reunion Team: Kathy Smith Schlue, Mary Lou Fobert Randell, Dawn Vroman Waller, Steve Waller, Jim Mack, Chris Sonneville Hansen, Rick Hernandez
Class of 2005 - 20th Reunion
September 26-28
Class of 2014 - 10th Reunion
November 27
The Other Bar - 1522 River Drive Moline IL 61265
5pm - ?? (We have a portion of the Bar Reserved from 5-8)
$25 Per Person (Includes Full Dinner from Matthiesen's Catering & Cup for hosted keg). Cash Bar also available.
$5 of each fee will Go towards a Class of 2014 Donation to Alleman High School ( Specific Gift to be named soon). We will also be accepting additional donations to this gift if you would like to contribute.
RSVP To Kyle Malcolm @ 309-798-4353 or Via our Facebook Group By November 4th, 2024
Venmo: Kyle-Malcolm-3
Class of 1970 - 55th Reunion
September 6, 2025
River Front Grill in Rock Island.
$25 per person.
Information will be posted on Alleman Class Of 1970 FB page and classmate's emails.
Any questions, please contact or
Class of 1952 Classmates will meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month at City Limits, Rock Island and 12 noon.
Class of 1958 Classmates: Local classmates meet at RiverFront grill on the 1st Thursday at 11am April-October.
Class of 1954 Luncheons: The luncheons will be at Mulkey’s in Rock Island and held on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 12:00 P.M. and spouses and friends are also welcome to attend. For questions, call Shirley Teeter at 210-788-4594.
If you have Class Reunion information to share with us, please contact us at